Speaker Request

The Texas Freedom Network has a long tradition of traveling this great state to spread its message of religious freedom, defense of civil liberties, and strengthening public schools.

In the spirit of continuing that tradition, TFN is always looking for opportunities to meet new people as well as catch up with old friends.

If you represent a group or an organization and would like to request a TFN speaker for your event, please do so by providing the requested information using the form below.

We ask that all requests be submitted at least one month prior to your event.

Please also note that if your request is for an appearance by TFN President Felicia Martin, we ask that your event have an expected attendance of a minimum of 100 people and that you provide an honorarium. Otherwise, TFN will make efforts to provide another TFN staff member to appear at your event.

We hope and look forward to seeing you soon.

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