Should the Texas Senate ‘Fire’ McLeroy?

Don McLeroy’s appointment as chairman of the Texas State Board of Education finally gets a hearing in the Senate Nominations Committee on Wednesday (April 22). Gov. Rick Perry appointed McLeroy chairman in July 2007, after the last legislative session. So the Senate still has to confirm his appointment.

It’s unusual for the Senate to reject a governor’s appointment. Even so, state lawmakers aren’t happy with a state board that has become increasingly dysfunctional (and embarrassing) since the Bryan dentist’s elevation to chairman. The board has disregarded established procedures, ignored state law, defied the Legislature and lurched from one “culture war” battle to the next. Most recently, of course, Chairman McLeroy led the board in opening the state’s science curriculum to creationist attacks on evolution, wildly declaring: “I disagree with all these experts! Somebody has to stand up to these experts!”

The Nominations Committee will meet 30 minutes after the Senate adjourns for the day on Wednesday. The hearing, which will include testimony on other nominations as well, will be in the Senate chamber at the Capitol. Those who want to testify can register at the hearing.

Want to share your opinion about Chairman McLeroy with the committee but can’t come to Austin to testify? Click here for the committee’s Web page. Then click on each member’s name for contact information.

7 thoughts on “Should the Texas Senate ‘Fire’ McLeroy?

  1. I have no doubt that there are many state senators who do not want to turn Don McLeroy into a creationist martyr.

    Also, ironically, McLeroy spoke in defense of Chris Comer, the ousted former science director of the Texas Education Agency, who among several misdeeds violated the TEA’s neutrality policy by sending out an official TEA email announcement of a Barbara Forrest lecture about a conspiracy theory that intelligent design is part of a plot to turn the USA into a theocracy. McLeroy said that so far as he was concerned, TEA employees have freedom of speech and Comer could say what she wanted to. BTW, Chris Comer’s wrongful-termination lawsuit against the TEA was thrown out of court about three weeks ago.

  2. Yes, please fire McLeroy, he tried to destroy science education. Remember, Good Luck Enforcing It!!

  3. Creationist martyr Larry? It reminds me of an old phrase from French class: “…une pauvre mere martyr.” Satan must have moved into that grip with you. I just hope you are sleeping on your side of the luggage.

  4. What is the probability that the Governor would be willing to appoint anyone more sane?

    Ah, well; it’s not my state.

  5. In the words of Jed Bartlett: “We’re talking about a .22 caliber mind in a .357 Magnum world.”

    Yes, can him. He’s an embarassment.

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