Send Rick Perry a Birthday Message

Right-wing groups are directing folks today to a special web page to wish Texas Gov. Rick Perry a Happy Birthday. But you can also send him this important message: Withdraw your appointment of Gail Lowe as chairwoman of the State Board of Education and appoint a new chair who will finally put the education of Texas schoolchildren ahead of personal and political agendas.

Click here to use your Facebook account to send Gov. Perry your message.


5 thoughts on “Send Rick Perry a Birthday Message

  1. AWWWWWW…. Rick Perry got mad at me for my comments towards him! I’m blocked from his birthday web page!!

  2. I posted a message for him on there and I do not think it is what he wanted to hear because I cannot access his happy birthday page anymore – I was banned too- lol. Anyway, the truth hurts, I guess!!

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