SBOE Webcast Bill Signed into Law

Texas Gov. Rick Perry has signed the only State Board of Education bill to make it out of the Legislature this session. House Bill 772 by state Rep. Donna Howard, D-Austin, requires video and audio Webcasts of state board meetings. The bill takes effect in September of this year.

It’s good that Texas voters will now be able to watch the circus that passes for education policy development at the state board. But it remains deeply disappointing that Republican legislators have let far-right groups and party leaders pressure them into killing other bills that would bring concrete reform to the board and how it conducts business.

4 thoughts on “SBOE Webcast Bill Signed into Law

  1. Nice to see Perry doing something positive with respect to the SBOE! Well done.

    Is it fair to say that the bills regarding “strengths and weaknesses” and giving the ICR the right to grant science degrees are all but officially dead at this point?

  2. TFN Says
    “But it remains deeply disappointing that Republican legislators have let far-right groups and party leaders pressure them into killing other bills that would bring concrete reform to the board and how it conducts business.”

    Well, ya gotta start somewhere. This is as good a place as any.

  3. Yes, the “strengths and weaknesses” and ICR bills are dead.

    Wonderful! That’s a record of complete failure for antievolution legislation in the U.S. this year. Not a bad 200th birthday gift for Mr. Darwin.

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