Save the Date: SBOE Candidate Training

We have seen over the past year more public interest in the State Board of Education than at any time since Texas Freedom Network’s founding in 1995. As the board has lurched from one “culture war” battle to another, more and more people have stepped forward to demand that the board stop putting politics ahead of the education of Texas schoolchildren.

The time for politics is during elections. So the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund will sponsor a candidate training for anyone interested in running for a seat on the state board or just wanting to know what it takes to run a winning campaign for the board.

The training, which will be nonpartisan and open to candidates from any political party (or none at all), will be held July 22 in Austin. We will announce time and location as well as registration information soon.

Particpants will learn which state board seats are up for election in 2010 as well as information about campaign planning, messaging and funding. Speakers will include experts with years of experience running — and winning — election campaigns.

More info coming soon.

2 thoughts on “Save the Date: SBOE Candidate Training

  1. You know. This just breaks my heart:

    The thing that bothers me most is the fact that people like Brunn are tongue-in-cheek welcomed in right wing circles. If they have the right to vote, then they want them. The right may denounce them as rabid before the public. They will not buy them shots, collar, leash, or tag. But when they come “meowing” around to the house as a feral cat, they are more than happy to feed them, pet them, and give them a place to sleep for a few nights.

  2. Candidate training: a most commendable goal, TFN. BRAVO!

    RIP Stephen Johns and Dr. George Tiller. May their memories be a blessing.

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