Rush Limbaugh: She’s a Birth Control Slut!

You just knew that right-wingers have been wanting to say something like this since the controversy over birth control erupted a few weeks ago.

Last week Georgetown University law school student Sandra Fluke told a congressional panel why she believes health insurance plans  should cover birth control, even for women working at religiously affiliated institutions. Today Rush Limbaugh made it pretty clear that the right’s opposition to such a policy isn’t really about religious freedom:

What does it say about the college coed Susan Fluke [sic], who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex? What does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex.

She’s having so much sex she can’t afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex. What does that make us? We’re the pimps.

The johns, that’s right. We would be the johns — no! We’re not the johns. Well — yeah, that’s right. Pimp’s not the right word.

OK, so, she’s not a slut. She’s round-heeled. I take it back.

So that’s what Limbaugh and other extremists on the right think about women, instead of their employers, making decisions about their own bodies and their own reproductive health.

13 thoughts on “Rush Limbaugh: She’s a Birth Control Slut!

  1. RtRev, here’s an idea. For the sake of trying to view things from someone else’s perspective, why don’t you answer that question yourself? Seriously. Share your thoughts here on why TFN might think this is an issue.

  2. It isn’t really an issue. It’s just a stupid, overpayed celebrity – one that apparently prefers the prostitutes he hires to be dominicanas – shooting off his stupid mouth.

    And also his comment on Danica Patrick and “women drivers.” I would call him a slimy toad, except that toads aren’t slimy and I think the whole Order Anura is pretty neat.

  3. RtRev, does your mental illness prevent you from understanding anything or do you just like to jack us up because there’s not much else to do in you Mom’s basement? Do tell. Inquiring minds want to know.

    I wonder (hope) if this might be the tipping point for Limbaugh and would welcome any legal opinion on defamation of character or slander committed by Rushbo. Does Fluke have a case to file suit against Limbaugh?

    In class action Limbaugh called all women who take this prescription medication, whether for contraception or hormone balance, sluts. Including my wife. Seriously, Rush?

    Thank you, Rush, for taking a mundane discussion about what should be covered by prescription medicine sections of health plans and making it a personal attack on half the population of the planet.

  4. I just don’t understand Limbaugh and what he is trying to do. As for the other I understand TFN. Sorry I didn’t make that clear.

  5. I know this is old and you’ve probably heard it a few times, but every time he has an oxycontin outburst it comes to mind…

    Q: What’s the difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Hindenburg?
    A: One’s a flaming Nazi gasbag- the other is a dirigible.

  6. Today on Rush as reported by the Huffington Post”

    “So Miss Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here’s the deal,” he said. “If we are going to pay for your contraceptives and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.”

    Place your bets! Can Rush go lower than Westboro Baptist?

  7. Russian Bimbaugh 17 years ago called Working Ladies feminazi’s. I have not listened since. No Brains in the druggie’s head. Not good drugs either.

  8. Way to keep it classy, Mr. Talent-on-loan-from-God. Very clever of you to forget that the congressional testimony included a student who was trying to control ovarian cysts with the medication, or that oral contraceptives must be taken daily, irrespective of sexual activity. Maybe it’s time to take a page from the right-wing textbook, and boycott all your sponsors.

  9. Ms. Fluke received a call from President Obama, at least one advertiser has withdrawn and Rush has received rebukes and condemnation almost universally.

    So, surprise to everybody, Rush apologized to Ms. Fluke, Georgetown University, and America for his crass and unbecoming conduct.

    Oh, wait … that didn’t happen.

    What did happen is that Rush tripled down and spewed even more misogynist hate and vitriol, asking his critics to “lighten up.”

  10. RtRev.
    Many of the women on birth control that I know are either on it for medical reasons, myself included, or in a commited relationship.

    Birth control doesn’t equal slut.
    More to the point Rush’s idea that women should show themselves having sex, on tape, if they are on birth control. That’s an invadion of privacy. Where is the freedom? Do you think a married couple should have to post videos of themself on line for a sexist man to watch. If the wife is on birth control, she must be a slut and Rush wants to recieve something from this. That pervert! Are fat people expemt from this?

    Rush accuses Ms Fluke of immortal behaviour, but seems to have no idea how birth control works. He seems to believe that it’s a pay-per-screw thing. It’s a set of pills taken on a daily basis requiring months of use before it works.

    It’s a double standard. Men can get viagra, but women can not get birth control? So a husband can get medication to get an erection without judgment, but a women, perhaps his wife, would be considered a slut.

    And yes, many college student I know are married or engaged.

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