It becomes difficult to believe you’re not using faith for political purposes when, like First Baptist Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress did, first you say this:
“I have conservative friends who are saying, well, he believes in Jesus, we believe in Jesus, let’s just hold hands and sing kumbaya. It doesn’t work that way. If a person is supporting Romney, that’s fine. But don’t confuse him with being a Christian.”
And then at the opportune time — yesterday and with the GOP nomination fight all but settled, to be exact — you turn around and say this:
“Given the choice between a Christian like Barack Obama , who embraces non-Biblical principles like abortion, and a Mormon like Mitt Romney, who embraces Biblical principles, there is every reason to support Mitt Romney in this election.”
Watch the video:
(h/t Dallas Morning News)
Makes me proud to be an “Ex-Baptist!”
Sold out ain’t they?
Do these people worship Jesus or the Republican Party?
It seems to me that it’s more like the Republican Party becuse they saved America from the biggers in 1965.