Oh no they didn’t!

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9 thoughts on “Oh no they didn’t!

  1. I know the SBOE reads this blog. I wonder how they feel when they see their statements in print for the world to read.

    They sound (and are) so ignorant.

    It’s genuinely sad that they don’t understand how embarrassing they are.

  2. There’s a big difference between Dunar and the rest. Sure, they’re all ignorant about science, and dogmatic about it, but that’s hardly news. They’re the creationist bloc, after all! What’s different is the way that they view their opponents. To McLeroy, and maybe some of the others, we’re misguided folks whose motivations he can’t fathom. To Dunbar, we’re the Forces of Evil, out to destroy all that is Good and Right.

    Ignorance is dangerous, but paranoid ignorance is *really* dangerous.

  3. David Bradley was caught by TFN reading this blog during a Board meeting during the science debates. I’m sure they all sheck it to see what the opposition is saying.

  4. Well, I hope they do show up here and read every word. It reminds me of that famous moment in the first Batman movie where Jack Nicholson says, “Just wait ’til they get a load of me. Ooh…Ooh…Ooh. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!!”

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