Mainstream Texans Gather In Dallas To Proclaim Faith And Science Not In Conflict

Mainstream Texans Gather In Dallas To Proclaim Faith And Science Not In Conflict

November 3, 2003

Dallas, Texas In the midst of growing tension over the teaching of evolution, a group of mainstream Texans gathered in Dallas today to proclaim that faith and science are not in conflict.

Faith leaders, scientists, elected officials and other concerned Texans met to discuss the relationship between religion and science and the impact politics has on that relationship.

“One of the hallmarks of fundamentalist religious movements is an extreme distrust of modern culture, including science,” said Samantha Smoot, President of the Texas Freedom Network. “In their resistance to modern culture, some communities today insist on pitting science against religion in an effort to politicize both.”

“Some radical voices still wish to drive a wedge between religion and science for theological and political reasons,” added Ryan Valentine, Coordinator of the Texas Faith Network. “Outside of fundamentalist circles, however, ‘religion and science’ has replaced ‘religion versus science.’ In our science departments and congregations, the dialogue between theology and science is very much alive, challenging and enlightening both.”

Biologist Dr. Jeffrey Schloss and theologian Dr. Ted Peters keynoted the event to present the current and historical relationship between religion and science.

A panel discussion on the current debate over the treatment of evolution in Texas Biology textbooks followed the keynote presentations with panel members focusing on the political thrust to undermine the study of one of the cornerstone theories in Biology.

The final vote on whether to approve or reject new Biology textbooks will occur at the State Board of Education in Austin on November 6 and 7.

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