Lege Hearing on Texas SBOE Today

Texas lawmakers today will focus on the State Board of Education‘s radical rewriting of history and social studies curriculum standards at a public hearing at the Capitol in Austin. Lawmakers from the Mexican American Legislative Caucus, Legislative Study GroupTexas Legislative Black Caucus and Senate Hispanic Caucus will hear testimony throughout the day. The hearing begins at 9 a.m. in E2.012 of the Capitol Extension. Click here to watch the hearing live over the Internet.

As we reported earlier this week, state board Chairwoman Gail Lowe, R-Lampasas, declined a request to speak at the hearing. Lawmakers are set to hear from officials from the Texas Education Agency and representatives from the Texas State Teachers Association, the Texas chapter of the American Federation of TeachersLULAC, the Texas Freedom Network, and the Texas Council for History Education. About a dozen university professors from around the state are also scheduled to speak. TFN Insider will report on the hearing.

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