Learning More about Stem Cell Research

Stem cell research, which gives hope to so many people struggling with serious medical conditions like Parkinson’s disease, diabetes and cancer, remains a political battleground in Texas. While embryonic stem cell research is currently legal in Texas, religious-right groups continue to pressure lawmakers to ban that important work or severely limit its funding.

In 2009, for example, the Texas Freedom Network and coalition partners helped stop legislators from barring any state funding for a public institution that conducts medical research involving embryonic stem cells. Among our coalition partners was Texans for Stem Cell Research.

TSCR is working hard again this year to educate Texans on the benefits of stem cell research both for patients and for the Texas economy. The group will kick off a series of educational events on Tuesday, February 8, in Austin. That first event — 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Cover 3, 2700 West Anderson Lane, #202 — will feature speakers Dr. Tom Caven of University Medical Center Brackenridge and Seton Clinical Research in Austin and William Sitton of StemCyte, Inc., in California. The TSCR Learn for Life 2011 series allows folks to meet experts in the field, learn about therapies and current research from research professionals and explore ways to get involved in promoting stem cell research.

Click here for more information about the event and to reserve a seat.

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