Learn How to Lobby to Defend and Improve Science Education

Our friends at the National Center for Science Education (NCSE) have been fantastic partners with the Texas Freedom Network in defending teaching about evolution and climate change in Texas public schools. Now NCSE is offering an online workshop on December 18 to train people around the country how to lobby their elected officials in support of science education. From the workshop’s registration page:

Bills attacking evolution education and climate change education were filed in almost a dozen state legislatures last year, and a new legislative season starting in January will bring many more.

Stopping bad legislation and encouraging policymakers to support strong science education requires the active involvement of local citizens. When lawmakers hear from their own constituents—the voters who put them in office, the neighbors and colleagues whose good opinion they value—bad bills can be stopped and science education can be made stronger. When local citizens are silent, or can be shouted down by a vocal opposition, dangerous laws are enacted.

NCSE’s one-hour online training session — which will feature a panel of state lobbying experts — will help you learn the nuts and bolts of effective lobbying on behalf of science education.

The training is from 1 to 2 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, which is 11 a.m. to noon Central Standard Time, on December 18. You can learn more about the training program and register here. NCSE also hosted a November 25 online workshop on how people can respond to attacks on science education. Click here to watch the archived version of that workshop.

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