Is McLeroy’s Confirmation in Trouble?

From political reporter Kate Alexander’s post at the Austin American-Statesman’s blog, following today’s grilling of Don McLeroy, whom Gov. Rick Perry has renominated as chairman of the Texas State Board of Education:

(Senate Nominations Committee) Chairman Mike Jackson, R-La Porte, said McLeroy’s nomination is on shaky ground because he might not be able to get the required two-thirds vote from the Senate.

Democratic senators Kirk Watson of Austin and Eliot Shapleigh of El Paso challenged McLeroy over his leadership during a number of controversial Board of Education decisions, including the recent adoption of new science curriculum standards that critics say undermine the teaching of evolution.

Shapleigh said he plans to have McLeroy separated from the others when his nomination comes up on the Senate floor so that it could be debated and voted on individually.

Read the full post here. Here’s coverage from KVUE (Austin). Check out TFN Insider’s live blogging from the confirmation hearing here.

2 thoughts on “Is McLeroy’s Confirmation in Trouble?

  1. The date on this is April, 2009. Did we just go through a rift in the space/time continuem?

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