Indictments of Anti-Abortion Activists Send Cynical Texas Politicians into a Facts-Free Frenzy

Texas state Rep. Bill Zedler, R-Arlington, is foot-stomping mad that a Harris County grand jury has handed down indictments against two anti-abortion activists who helped make doctored videos attacking Planned Parenthood. The same grand jury essentially cleared Planned Parenthood of outrageous charges that the organization was illegally selling tissues from aborted fetuses.

Rep. Zedlers used Twitter in his dishonest temper tantrum:

Planned Parenthood illegally sells baby parts = praise & taxpayer funding. Exposing it = felony charges. Disgraceful!!!

So Zedler continues to promote a lie that the grand jury has already discredited. Moreover, his contempt for the law couldn’t be clearer. Zedler apparently has no problem with individuals who break the law in the promotion of a lie and political agenda that he supports. That’s the real disgrace, Rep. Zedler.

Gov. Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton also are promoting the same deceitful agenda. Both released statements on Monday (here and here) insisting that the state’s own “investigation” of Planned Parenthood will continue, facts be damned.

Their war on the the freedom of women to make their own reproductive health care choices and decide for themselves whether and when to have children will also continue. That’s also a disgrace.

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