How Easily They Forget

Some Texas State Board of Education members aren’t content with just rewriting American history. Apparently, they would also like to write other board members out of the board’s history itself. Consider this passage in the latest edition of the Cargill Connection, an e-mail newsletter from board member Barbara Cargill, R-The Woodlands:

“The November meeting will be the last one for my fellow Board members, Don McLeroy and Cynthia Dunbar. It has been a privilege to serve with people of such integrity who worked tirelessly to improve education in our state. I am thankful for them and for their service on the Board.”

One wouldn’t know from reading Cargill’s e-mail that next week’s board meeting is also the last for three other members: Geraldine “Tincy” Miller, R-Dallas; Rick Agosto, D-San Antonio; and Rene Nuñez, D-El Paso. Of course, those three have often — especially this year — voted in opposition to Cargill and the rest of the board’s far-right faction. More fundamentally, far-right board members and their allies simply don’t see Miller, Agosto, Nuñez and other board members as Christian enough. Don’t agree? Read their own words for yourself here. And here. And here. And here.

As we’ve said before, if you oppose the religious right, they won’t just attack your politics. They will also question your faith. And as Cargill’s newsletter makes clear, they will ignore (or even attack) your integrity and your commitment to education, too, whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican. At least in this instance, the religious right’s intolerance is bipartisan.

3 thoughts on “How Easily They Forget

  1. I am glad you referred to the “regligious” right, not the Christian right. As a United Methodist minister for over 50 years (now retired over seven years), I find the people as neither “Christian” or “right.”

  2. Bert, I have been looking for you, what is your mailing address and email???? Judith

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