Houston Will *Not* Certify HERO Repeal Signatures

TFN President Kathy Miller just sent out the following message regarding today’s announcement on the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO).

Moments ago the Houston city secretary announced that opponents of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) did not gather enough valid signatures to overturn the ordinance. Despite repeated boasts by leaders of the religious right (and an army of paid organizers), opponents of equality were only able to submit just over 15,000 valid signatures, leaving them more than a thousand short of the required minimum.

So what happens now?

Mayor Annise Parker has announced that implementation of the ordinance will be delayed, pending an anticipated legal challenge by opponents of the ordinance. So this is far from over.

But one thing that hasn’t changed: Houston is a city that doesn’t discriminate.

And whatever happens, the Texas Freedom Network will continue to stand with those who support equality and defend against any attempts to overturn the basic, common-sense protections HERO provides to all who live and work in Houston.

One thought on “Houston Will *Not* Certify HERO Repeal Signatures

  1. So glad their signature campaign failed! That will weigh in the decision of the courts if they do file suit. The fact that your remedy was rejected by the public matters.

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