Contacting Your Representative

Contacting Your Representative

Contacting an elected official through correspondence or phone calls can be a very effective way of advocating for an issue or piece of legislation. You can find your representative here.

Below are the most frequent types of contact that constituents have with their legislators, in order from most effective to least effective:

  1. Handwritten letter or typed, original letter (on personal stationary)
  2. Phone call
  3. Fax
  4. Form letter/fax
  5. E-mail
  6. Electronic petition

While personal communication is obviously best, any contact is worthwhile, even if you only have a minute to sign an electronic petition.


Guidelines for your correspondence or conversation

  • Stick to one subject. Don’t dilute your main point by discussing multiple issues.
  • Be brief. Limit your note to one page.
  • Include the specific bill number and title (if possible).
  • Get personal. Describe how the legislation impacts you and your community.
  • Be political. Explain the relevance of the issue to your hometown, district or state.
  • Ask for action.
  • Be courteous and appreciative. A written “thank you” when deserved gets attention with elected officials. Follow the issue after you write and send a letter of thanks if your legislator votes your way.

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