Former Texas Ed Board Creationist Don McLeroy on Colbert Report Tonight

This should be fun. Don McLeroy, the former chairman of the State Board of Education and a leader in efforts to undermine instruction on evolution and rewrite what students learn about American history, is scheduled as a guest on the Colbert Report tonight. McLeroy’s appearance on Stephen Colbert’s show comes after Friday’s premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York of a new documentary, “The Revisionaries,” that examines the role of religious extremists in revising curriculum standards in science and social studies for Texas public schools. McLeroy, Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller and the fight over the curriculum standards from 2008 to 2010 are featured prominently in the film. (Click here for the film’s trailer.) The Colbert Report appears at 10:30 p.m. Central/11:30 p.m. Eastern on Comedy Central.

8 thoughts on “Former Texas Ed Board Creationist Don McLeroy on Colbert Report Tonight

  1. We don’t have broadcast TV. I’ll have to catch it later on the Internet. Gotta hand it to Don for agreeing to this. From what I’ve read — about him and his own writings — Don Mcleroy is pretty sharp — even if his opinions are (to me, at least) more than a bit “out there….”

  2. Some years ago Michael Behe was on Colbert (that clip is on YouTube) and it didn’t go well for Behe. Near the end Behe told Colbert, “You are wrong.” and that was the END of the interview. Bam!

    Worth digging up for a chuckle.

  3. I could scarcely believe McLeroy agreed to this interview. Only his massive ego and absolute certitude could make this hilarity possible. Well done, Stephen!

  4. Colbert did a nice job on McLeroy and the audience was great, especially when McLeroy said on national TV that he believed that humans and dinosaurs coexisted.

    Of course, he didn’t use such a fancy word as “coexist.”

    McLeroy’s argument boiled down to imagining “what a rock dreamt of.” Yes, that’s right. Pick up a rock and ask yourself, “What does this rock dream of?”

    And Colbert had the answer! “Hot lava on lava action.”

    Colbert was nice considering he was interviewing a complete moron. McLeroy came of as a total idiot but shoveled pure comedic gold to Colbert who missed no opportunity to spend it.

    Colbert’s best line: “I completely agree with reality by majority vote.”


  5. Amazing that this guy (McLeroy) is a dentist. He alluded to his teaching a fourth grade Sunday school class. I cringe at the pollution promoted my this neanderthal on innocent nine year olds.

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