Faith Leaders Host Healing Space for Trans Community at the Texas State Capitol

For Immediate Release
Sept. 29, 2021

AUSTIN — On Wednesday, the Texas Freedom Network’s Just Texas Project and several LGBTQ groups took to the Capitol Rotunda to host a faithful healing space for the trans community in Texas. The groups include the ACLU of Texas, Equality Texas, HRC, Lambda Legal, and TENT. 

Amid a historic assault on trans rights in the Texas Legislature, leaders from Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths came together to proclaim love, support and celebration for the trans community—all under the dome where trans Texans have fought back against the assault on their rights for months.

“We are looking at a historic time, a brutally historic time where we have set records for the most anti-LGBTQ bills ever, ever,” said Rev. Remington Johnson. “The stress and ongoing trauma of this is something I can feel in my bones. I am grappling with anger, I am not ok. The stress and ongoing trauma of this is something I can feel in my bones. I am not ok. We are here to share our hope and offer care to one another in spite of the environment and transphobia that swirls around this Capital. We join together and refute the efforts of the State. I want you to know that you are loved. That we are worthy of care, we are worthy of safety. What is happening now is not ok. May you know from the tips of your toes to the tip of your head, that you are beloved. Amen.”

“The power of love will change the world. We’ve seen that, we know that over and over and over again. And while we may be weary, while our hearts may be tired, they cannot be stopped,” said Rev. Erika Forbes, faith and outreach manager for TFN’s Just Texas project. “No matter what religion, no matter what faith, whether you be atheist or agnostic, love is all that there is. This is the stand that we take today.” 

“The message today from our community faith leaders is clear: trans people are loved and matter,” said Andrea Nicolette Segovia, policy & field coordinator for Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT). “While the Texas legislature holds the future of trans kids in their hands, we hope they open up their hearts to love and let kids be kids.”

“We are incredibly grateful that an interfaith group of religious leaders from across Texas gathered at the Texas Capitol to provide a safe and spiritually-restorative space for advocates who have endured so much trauma this year,” said Ricardo Martinez, CEO of Equality Texas.
After being subjected to so much cruelty during multiple hearings, trans folks and the people who love them will be able to attend an event that centers on the love and respect that we have for everyone in our community and that is shared by people of all faiths.”

“Every person deserves dignity, respect and affirmation for who they are,” said Shelly Skeen, senior attorney for Lambda Legal. “Trans kids, their families, and trans people in our state have suffered an onslaught of attacks meant to dehumanize them and their dignity. No person deserves such treatment, let alone from our elected officials who are charged with hearing our voices for the protection and good of all. Lambda Legal is in solidarity with the trans community and faith leaders with the hope that healing can begin, that everyone’s humanity will be affirmed and that we will all treat each other with the compassion and respect that we all deserve.”

“Texas has placed a cruel and unjust burden on transgender kids and their families to fight for their basic humanity,” said Adri Perez, policy & advocacy strategist for the ACLU of Texas. “No child should have to defend their right to be respected equally. All transgender people, especially our kids, should be embraced for who they are and entrusted with how to live their lives. Trans kids belong in Texas and they belong in sports. Today’s action is a testament to the support they have among people of all faiths in our state.”


Just Texas ( is a movement of clergy and other faith leaders who support women’s access to all reproductive health care services, including abortion care. Just Texas is a project of the Texas Freedom Network.

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