Early Voting Begins in Texas: Vote in State Board of Education Races

With the start of early voting for the May 29 Republican and Democratic primaries, Texans can begin the process of electing a State Board of Education (SBOE) that puts kids ahead of politics and personal agendas.

Because of redistricting, all 15 seats on the board are up for election this year. That means your vote will help shape public education in Texas for a generation.

Why is this important? In recent years politicians on the Texas SBOE have:

  • Censored what students will learn in their history classes
  • Rejected established science
  • Ignored the recommendations of teachers and respected scholars

So visit the TFN Education Fund’s SBOE campaign webpage to find the resources you need to help you make an informed decision. And go to VoteTexas.gov to find a polling location and much more information on the May 14-25 early voting period.

One thought on “Early Voting Begins in Texas: Vote in State Board of Education Races

  1. I would like to dedicate this song to all of the so-called “true” Christian conservatives in the race for the Texas SBOE. I think the subject “making sausage” and the general feel of the song makes this dedication appropriate. I think it also says something about what we can expect from science education if they win this fall. Here it is:


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