Dave Welch Calls Judge a ‘Domestic Enemy’

Dave Welch, the extremist who runs an outfit called the Houston Area Pastor Council, is now claiming that a federal judge who recently ruled against the Pentagon’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy against gay military servicemembers is a “domestic enemy” guilty of treason. From his screed at the right-wing, conspiracy-peddling website World Net Daily:

“U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips fired a judicial IED [improvised explosive device] directly into the effectiveness, readiness and moral of our military in a time of war makes this, in my non-legal opinion, an act of treason. . . . She has proven herself not only unfit for judgeship but is in fact a ‘domestic enemy’ of the very kind our military members take an oath to defend against.”

Portraying the ruling from Judge Phillips an example of “tyranny,” Welch claims her decision represents a “complete and utter rejection of the U.S. Constitution, the separation of powers and rule by the ‘consent of the governed.'” Of course, Judge Phillips sees the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy as a violation of servicemembers’ constitutional rights to due process, freedom of speech and the right to petition the government. Yet Welch says the judge should be impeached — a direct political threat to the ability of the judiciary to independently decide whether our nation’s laws are valid under the Constitution.

But perhaps the most repulsive part of Welch’s extremist screed is toward the end, when he suggests God will punish America if the policy against gay military servicemembers is ultimately overturned. In other words, when all else fails, Welch once again uses faith as a political weapon to divide Americans. Is anyone surprised?

You might recall that Welch’s group hosted an event featuring Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and Attorney General Greg Abbott last year. The event came just days after Welch posted another Internet screed attacking the faith of Christians who don’t share his political beliefs, calling them “CINOs,” or “Christians in name only.” Welch has every right to publicize his odious opinions, of course. But it’s a tragedy when public officials not only fail to renounce that kind of religious bigotry, but also seek the approval of the person promoting it.

3 thoughts on “Dave Welch Calls Judge a ‘Domestic Enemy’

  1. Welch said: “Our loving but just God will not overlook our national spiritual and moral condition any more than He did for ancient Israel. We have been blessed by His grace far beyond measure.”

    Notice how Welch is so fixated on the Word “justice” that it has come to mean only one thing in his head—sinners getting the punishment they deserve. It never occurs to him that justice also means hungry people finally get some food. I wonder how many Christian Neo-Fundamentalists would be angry with God if he just pardoned everyone on the last day. Billy Graham is on record as hoping that He does. I saw the interview where he said it. Mercy is always an option with God. God is not a liar if he decides to be merciful.

    In that moment, I can just see them flushed red with anger at God for going easy on those they perceive as their enemies—anyone who disagrees with them—anyone who does not recognize their superior righteousness—anyone who fails to believe all of the nonsense that they do:

    “Lord!!!??? Do you mean to tell me (always said through the nose) that I spent my whole Old Testament legalist life turning your Bible into a set of rules and working my knuckles raw and bleeding to follow each one—and now you are just going to pardon all these people who did not put themselves through all the pain and misery I put myself through to please you. Why!!! All of this time, I could have spent my life doing all the things I really wanted to do: stealing, lying, doing drugs, killing people I don’t like, having sex with other men’s wives, raping women, molesting children, and all them other fun things that sinners do. It’s not fair Lord. It’s just not fair that they got to have all of that fun and I didn’t!!!!

    Charles has got a news flash for you Bud. If Jesus and the Bible are the only things standing between you and behaving in the way described above—you got a problem that requires more than just a religious fix. You are one sick pup.

  2. Whoa! If you disagree with her ruling, that makes her guilty of treason???

    Looks like lots more people are guilty of treason than I ever realized (based on the same standard; that is, people I disagree with).
    Like people who eat Velveeta, for example. Yuck.
    And women who wear those dorky little jackets that only come down to the shoulder blades. Bleah.
    Not to mention everybody who lets their dog run loose without a leash.

    Start setting up the gallows, fellow patriots!

  3. And for Mr. Welch, “justice” means continued discrimination. And shame on Perry, Dewhurst, and Abbott to side with him, especially in such a public way so as to be clear to the Righties where their hearts are: on the side of discrimination.

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