Clergy Campaign Promotes Marriage Equality

With the general election just months away, religious-right groups are once again pushing statewide ballot measures that would bar same-sex marriage and even civil unions. California, where the state Supreme Court earlier this year opened marriage to same-sex couples, is one of the biggest battlegrounds in the nation.

In response to the far right’s renewed assault on gay and lesbian families, the Religious Institute on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing is relaunching its campaign to obtain thousands of clergy signatures on an Open Letter to Religious Leaders on Marriage EqualityClergy can sign on to the letter here.

The Texas Freedom Network opposed a constitutional amendment, approved by voters in 2005, barring legal recognition of same-sex marriages and civil unions in Texas. The following year TFN supported successful efforts in Austin to repeal a charter measure that had barred access to city benefits for the domestic partners of city employees.

One thought on “Clergy Campaign Promotes Marriage Equality

  1. California will go Republican when Texas goes Democrat as far as Presidential electoral votes.

    “TFN is mainstream moderates, TXatheist is liberal in Texas. “

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