No More Distractions: Lawmakers Must Stay Focused on the Real Goal Vouchers, Other Distractions Would Only Increase Chances of Fourth Failure to Overhaul School Finance June 17, 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE By all indications, Gov. Perry appears ready to call a special session to fix the way the state pays for public schools. The session, […]
Recent Press Releases
Lawmakers Wasted Time on Distractions Instead of Focusing on Priorities
Lawmakers Wasted Time on Distractions Instead of Focusing on Priorities Three Strikes and Out on School Reform? May 30, 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller issued the following statement on the end of the 79th Legislature today. “Texans clearly set key priorities for this Legislature, especially dealing with crises in school […]
Conference Committee Rejects Witch Hunts in Child Protective Services Bill
Conference Committee Rejects Witch Hunts in Child Protective Services Bill Senator Says S.B. 6 Excludes House-Passed Ban on Gay Foster Parents May 27, 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE President Kathy Miller of the Texas Freedom Network issued the following statement regarding today’s House-Senate conference committee report on Senate Bill 6. The Child Protective Services reform bill […]
Voucher Defeat a Triumph for Texas Families and Neighborhood Public Schools
Voucher Defeat a Triumph for Texas Families and Neighborhood Public Schools Vouchers Still Radioactive for Most Legislators May 24, 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AUSTIN The failure of a proposed voucher program in the Texas House on Monday shows that opposition to such schemes remains strong particularly among legislators who represent public schools that would be […]
TFN Statement on Senate Passage of H.J.R. 6
TFN Statement on Senate Passage of H.J.R. 6 Amendment Is a Mean-spirited Distraction from the Real Issues Working Families Really Care About May 21, 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE President Kathy Miller of the Texas Freedom Network released the following statement following today’s Senate passage of H.J.R. 6, which would amendment the state constitution to ban […]