TFN President Condemns Shocking Book Endorsement by Texas SBOE Chairman

TFN President Condemns Shocking Book Endorsement by Texas SBOE Chairman New Book Attacks Evolution Supporters as ‘Atheists,’ ‘Monsters’ and ‘Morons’ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 18, 2009 Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller is calling on the chairman of the Texas State Board of Education to withdraw his irresponsible endorsement of a new book that portrays […]

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TFN President Calls on Lawmakers to Reject Proposed Anti-Science Legislation

TFN President Calls on Lawmakers to Reject Proposed Anti-Science Legislation HB 4224 Would Open Door to Teaching Pseudoscience in Public Schools FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 16, 2009 Texas lawmakers should reject proposed legislation that would open the door to teaching pseudoscience in public school science classrooms across the state, Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller […]

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New Study: Texas Failing Families, Teens on Sexuality Education

New Study: Texas Failing Families, Teens on Sexuality Education Mistruths, Fear, Ignorance Characterize Sex Ed Amid High Teen Birth, STD Rates FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 24, 2009 AUSTIN – Texas gets more federal abstinence funding than any other state and has one of the highest teen birthrates in the nation, but an extensive new study […]

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Statement from TFN President Kathy Miller on Evolution Poll

Statement from TFN President Kathy Miller on Evolution Poll ‘Strengths and Weaknesses’ Is a Political Gimmick Masquerading as Science FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 13, 2009 Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller is issuing the following statement regarding yesterday’s release of a public opinion poll about teaching evolution. The Free Market Foundation Texas affiliate for the […]

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