Ban on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Foster Parents Puts Mean-Spirited Agenda Ahead of the Interests of Kids

Ban on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Foster Parents Puts Mean-Spirited Agenda Ahead of the Interests of Kids


April 19, 2005

President Kathy Miller of the Texas Freedom Network released the following statement on today’s approval of Rep. Robert Talton’s amendment to C.S.S.B. 6 in the House of Representatives. C.S.S.B. 6 reforms the state’s Child Protective Services. Rep. Talton’s amendment bars anyone who is gay, lesbian or bisexual from becoming a foster parent in Texas. The amendment passed 81-58.

“The House today put personal and political biases ahead of the interests of children who have been abused and neglected. Rep. Talton’s amendment to ban gay men, lesbians and bisexuals from acting as foster parents will further strain a foster system that is already overburdened, forcing more children into institutions rather than safe, loving homes. Texas children who most need the state’s protection have been cast aside in favor of a narrow, mean-spirited agenda.”

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