Taking a Step Backward on Science Standards

Even before today’s Texas State Board of Education hearing on new public school science curriculum standards begins, sound science has taken a big hit. In September teacher writing teams released draft standards that wisely removed loaded language requiring schools to teach about so-called “weaknesses” of scientific theories like evolution. Creationists on the State Board of Education […]

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TFN Joins Academic, Business, Faith Leaders in Calling on SBOE to Reject Renewed Attacks on Evolution in Science Standards

TFN Joins Academic, Business, Faith Leaders in Calling on SBOE to Reject Renewed Attacks on Evolution in Science Standards Heavily Revised Standards Draft Includes New Language Undermining Evolution AUSTIN – Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller joined business, academic and faith leaders on Wednesday in criticizing new draft science curriculum standards that would undermine teaching […]

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What Scientists Really Think about the War on Evolution

Creationist pressure groups and Texas State Board of Education members who oppose teaching public school students the sound science behind evolution make, strangely enough, a lot of claims about what scientists think. We’re told that there is a raging controversy among scientists about whether evolution is really supported by strong scientific evidence. We’re told that […]

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Survey of Texas University Faculty: Overwhelming Opposition to Watering Down Evolution in School Science Curriculum

Survey of Texas University Faculty: Overwhelming Opposition to Watering Down Evolution in School Science Curriculum Statewide Survey Dispels Myth about ‘Controversy’ in Science Community, Reveals Deep Concerns about Student Preparation for College and Future Jobs AUSTIN – A first-time statewide survey shows that science faculty at public and private universities in Texas soundly reject arguments […]

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Religious Liberty and Same-Sex Marriage

In the wake of the passage of a California constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage in that state, the Texas Faith blog from the Dallas Morning News tossed out this question to its group of panelists: Is a compromise between religious liberty and gay civil rights regarding marriage possible – and if not, which of the […]

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