Audio from the SBOE Science Debate

Tony Whitson has captured and organized the Internet audio feed from last week’s Texas State Board of Education hearing and debate over proposed science curriculum standards. His work is a great resource for folks interested in listening to key parts of the hearing and debate. Check it out on his curricublog here.

3 thoughts on “Audio from the SBOE Science Debate

  1. Anyone else from Texas remember being taught in school that the earth revolves around the sun?
    … Me neither!

    Is it just a coincidence that my company mostly hires from out of state?

  2. My rep is Barbara Cargill so I went to her link on the “watchmaker.”

    Wow, the creationists really “miss the boat” on this one. The watchmaker story appears to be, not so much an argument for an intelligent designer, but rather an argument that each individual lifeform, like each individual watch, must be constructed by a hands-on creator. Wow, that’s harder to swallow than the stork story.

  3. Ray Gedaly says:
    Wow, the creationists really “miss the boat” on this one. The watchmaker story appears to be, not so much an argument for an intelligent designer, but rather an argument that each individual lifeform, like each individual watch, must be constructed by a hands-on creator.

    Yes, theirs is a watchmaker who made a watch that doesn’t have its own mechanism, so the watchmaker needs to move the hands around, himself.

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