Ask Him about the Nazis, David

David Barton, head of the Texas-based, Christian-right group WallBuilders, has an interesting guest for his Internet talk show this week. Barton will talk to Brad Dacus, head of the anti-gay Pacific Justice Institute in California. Dacus was a prominent support of Proposition 8, which in 2008 took away the right of gay and lesbian Californians to marry their partners.

So expect a dose of anti-gay extremism on Tuesday’s WallBuilders program. But will Barton ask Dacus whether he still believes that failing to oppose same-sex marriage would be like the failure to stop Adolf Hitler in the 1930s? Maybe Barton has some insight on that question, too, considering that he (Barton) appears to have spoken before neo-Nazi groups himself in the past.

Once again, why did the Texas State Board of Education put Barton on a panel of so-called “experts” helping revise social studies standards for Texas public school?

8 thoughts on “Ask Him about the Nazis, David

  1. He has an Internet talk show? No thanks. There’s enough trash on TV—uh—computer already.

  2. I’m shocked, shocked that the Neo-Nazi sympathizers that Rick Perry has empowered to wreck the education system would accuse their opponents/victims of Hitlerian tendencies.
    Round up the usual suspects.

  3. Speaking of Nazis:

    Check out these recent statements from the AP. They deal with a South Carolina conservative fruitcake, Lieutenant Governor Andre Bauer, who has “…likened government assistance to the poor to feeding stray animals.” Take a look at some of this:

    1) “At a town hall meeting Thursday, Bauer, who is running for governor in his own right now that Sanford is term-limited, said: ‘My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed! You’re facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don’t think too much further than that.’ ”

    2) And Bauer is ungrateful too because he was: “A child of divorce who benefited from free [school] lunches himself.

    3) But now that he has been caught with his Freudian slip showing, thereby laying his heart bare: “Bauer said Monday that he regrets his choice of words but that government should expect welfare recipients to try to better themselves. He wants to require them to take drug tests and attend parent-teacher conferences if they have children in school. Bauer insisted he wasn’t bad-mouthing people laid off from work in the recession or advocating taking food from children, but rather emphasizing the need to break the cycle of dependency.”

    No, he is just saying that poor people are inherently immoral and cannot be trusted. After all, in Christian Neo-Fundamentalist “think-speak,” their poverty is prima facie proof that they have failed God and are reaping the just rewards from their sins. Translation: Poor people are scum.

    4) He has selective moral amnesia: “During the campaign, it was also disclosed that Bauer had been stopped for speeding twice, but not ticketed, even though in one instance he was going 101 mph in a 70 mph zone. He said he didn’t realize how fast he was going and never asked for preferential treatment.”

    5) Similarly, Winthrop University political scientist Scott Huffmon said Bauer’s words “came out as condescending and insulting,” but his overall message about government dependency and personal responsibility will appeal to his evangelical Republican base.”

    6) Neal Thigpen at Frances Marion University said: “…don’t count him out. The kid’s got a fanatical following. They’re going to forgive him almost anything and stick to him like glue.”

    7) But the Bible says: “Beware of false prophets [Bauer and his evangelical followers], which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? (Matthew 7:15-16)

    “For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.
    (Matthew 25: 35-36)

  4. Thanks Charles,
    Regarding the poor: How about some jobs?
    How about breaking the cycle of delinquency and prison by education and drug treatment programs.
    How about health education to keep young teenage girls from getting pregnant?
    Growing up in rural Texas, I spent twelve years living in inner-city Oakland. I know what the reality is.
    Now the problems of drugs and crime and warehoused lives with no hope of a decent job is being visited upon the rural heartland.
    Look at the statistics.
    Blame the victim, Bauer and your black-hearted fellow Bible-thumpers.

  5. David:

    They are not my “fellow” Bible thumpers. Frankly, I am not quite sure what they are? All I know is that they are so busy thumping the Bible that they have very little time to actually go inside it, read it, and undertsand what it says. In addition, in the rare instances when they do go in there, they are so busy converting every verse (Old Testament and New Testament) into an ironclad rule or law that they miss the spirit of it—and the love.

    It’s hard to love a parent who gives you rules only, but never hugs you. In fact, I am not sure it is even possible for a human being to love a parent like that. So, the Christian Neo-Fundamentalists just spend their lives in a constant state of being fearful and scared to death of the perpetually angry Deity in the sky and trying to find a way to escape the anger. For example, if they can grab te government and force everyone on Haiti to use the Authorized King James Version of the Bible ONLY, then God will make the earthquakes quit. It’s all about finding a way to control God and prevent him from kicking everyone’s butt. That’s not the Christian faith. Some of us (including the atheists, agnostics, and flying pasta people) might have been taught that by ignorant parents or a barely literate country preacher, but that’s not the Christian faith. Most people just flew right by it without passing “GO” and without collecting $200.

  6. I’m talking about Bauer’s fellow Bible-thumpers. The ones that hate a lot. The ones that know everything in the Bible except the part where Jesus says the greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

  7. Thanks David. By the way, I’ll gladly take one of those jobs you mentioned. My wife hasn’t worked since October 2008 (when the bottom fell out nationwide), and I have not worked since September 18, 2009. We have both been looking hard for jobs while we live on a little unemployment insurance and spend down our life savings. My wife and I have been married for 31 years, but this is the first time we have both been unemployed at the same time. We are both pushing on towards 60, and neither of us have ever seen times this hard.

    However, I will say this. Potential employers have been really nice to us. If you sent out a resume 10 years ago, you would be lucky if anyone responded even with a simple note to say they had received it. People have been getting back in touch with us right and left. I have never seen anything quite like it. The notes are polite, encouraging, and even comical. It’s like people know how hard it must be, and they are pulling for you—even if they do not have a job to offer—and I can tell they just plain do not have any. This lets me know that the character of the American people, at least for now, is still bigger than our problems.

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