An Open Letter to Our Community

By Marti Bier (they/them)
TFN Director of Programs

This past Sunday, a fire was set outside the sanctuary doors of my synagogue in Austin. Throughout the state this year, and particularly in the last few months, we have a seen a disturbing rise in antisemitic attacks. As a Jew and a Texan, I’m writing today on behalf of Texas Freedom Network to publicly denounce antisemitism and the acts of hate we’re seeing with increasing regularity in communities around Texas.

Decades ago, I found myself in social-justice work because of my connection with the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam — “repairing the world.”

As members of Texas Freedom Network, we have publicly condemned acts of violence and hatred against Asian Pacific Islanders, Black, Latinx, LGBTQ+, Muslim communities, and abortion providers; we affirm daily that Black lives matter; we mobilize students to advocate for fair voting processes for people of color; we know abortion is health care. We are advocates who take action to redress wrongs and seek justice. At TFN, we practice living Tikkun Olam.

And because of who we are, today and every day, we must fiercely speak out against the dangerous and hateful acts clearly targeting the Jewish community. We encourage others to do the same.

An attack on any group based on sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, race, color, disability, religion or belief — including Jewish people — is an attack on our values of love, inclusion, and diversity. The community I’m a part of and love believes in the inclusion of all, not hatred and fear-mongering. We are them, and they are us.

At TFN, we believe it is our collective responsibility to care for one another so that the love of many can overpower the hate of few. I hope you will join us in signing onto this statement of support and solidarity with our Jewish Community.

To members of the Jewish community, we see you and love you.

Shalom aleichem — may peace be with you,

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