Adult Sen. Huffines Claims He Was Ambushed By School Kids

By now you might have seen (see below if you haven’t) the video of state Sen. Don Huffines, R-Dallas, yelling at children from the Richardson Independent School District who don’t want their public schools defunded to pay for one of Huffines’ pet causes: private school vouchers.

On Monday, after the video went viral, the senator offered an apology. Sort of. And he, of course, accused the kids of ambushing him.

Here is the senator’s statement, provided not by him, but by his spokesman (emphasis is ours).

While the policy was right, Senator Huffines’ tone and delivery today did not live up to the level of civil discourse that he always expects of himself and others. Senator Huffines is unapologetic in his support for education choice, because it’s a policy that supports students. He will not hide from passionate or heated debate on the issue. Where other politicians might have run, Don Huffines stayed and endured the ambush-style attack, then calmly answered more questions for 15 more minutes, including questions from students.

Issuing a statement via a spokesman seems like hiding and running, but whatev. Also, this “apology” rings hollow when you turn around and accuse the students — and your constituents — of ambushing you by having the gall to oppose you and ask you questions.

ICYMI: Here’s the video:

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