A Problem with Geography or the Truth?

Does the vice chairman of the Texas State Board of Education have a problem with geography?

The Beaumont Examiner is looking at whether David Bradley — a 12-year member of the state board’s powerful far-right faction — has been telling the truth about whether he really lives in the board district he represents. To maintain eligibility to keep his state board seat, Bradley apparently claims an apartment at a business address he has in Beaumont as his family’s official residence. He is also registered to vote there. Yet for his homestead exemption, Bradley claims a home in Jasper County outside his state board district. As the Examiner points out:

The problem appears to be his claim of a homestead exemption on the Jasper County house, because Texas law requires that the property owners certify that they occupied it on Jan. 1 and it is their principal residence for the year in which the exemption is claimed.

The Examiner continues:

In addition to the Jasper County homestead exemption documents, Montgomery’s letter cited the Bradleys’ membership in a Buna church and the fact their child attended Buna public schools without paying tuition as other evidence suggesting they were indeed residents of Jasper County.

Last year the state Attorney General’s office had a grand jury look into the matter, but nothing has come of that investigation. The Examiner explores some possible reasons why.

Bradley is one of the most radical members of the board’s far-right faction. He opposes sex education (in a state with the nation’s highest teen birth rate), wants public school science classes to water down instruction on evolution and has supported other efforts to censor textbooks he claims are anti-Christian or anti-American. Click here to learn more about textbook censorship in Texas. You can learn more about Bradley and the state board’s far-right faction here.

One thought on “A Problem with Geography or the Truth?

  1. it was the fact that his brother is the Williamson County DA who is very close to Perry and had Perry have the AG Office sweep the case under the rug.

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