1 Million Views for TFN Insider

We’re happy to say that Friday evening TFN Insider passed a significant milestone: 1 million views since its launch in July 2008. We’re averaging more than a quarter-million views each year — not Huff Post levels, to be sure, but not bad for a blog focused on fighting the radical right in Texas. Clearly, there’s a demand for a strong voice countering the political and religious extremism we see on the right in Texas today.

We launched TFN Insider to broaden the Texas Freedom Network’s ability to get our message out at a time when traditional media outlets are shrinking and people are turning more and more to alternative sources of news and information. As we grow, we want to hit the 2 million mark much faster than the first. So “thank you” for participating in discussions through your comments on TFN Insider and for sharing articles you see here.

If you haven’t already, you can follow us on Twitter, “like” the Texas Freedom Network’s Facebook page, subscribe to the blog’s RSS feed, and share or email posts with the options listed under each headline.

Thank you!

One thought on “1 Million Views for TFN Insider

  1. Thanks to all the hard-working folks at TFN. I am a recently-retired public school teacher, as is my wife; we are also politically active (I ran for State Assembly–CA72nd) in a heavily Right Wing district and nearly won.

    Your stories of the SBOE mirror the conditions here in California, and let us know we aren’t alone in fighting the blatant stupidity of the right.

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